The SP3 is a musical group of singers and dancers, known as the young and energetic friends of the Super3 Family: the leading characters of the Spanish TV channel Televisió de Catalunya (TV3). The group have two big musicals shows, entitled “Sempre A Punt” (translated as “Always Ready”) and “Somnis” (translated as “Dreams”), that are performed throughout the year in different towns and cities of Spain, as well as in famous venues such as the Cap Roig Festival, the macro event called Festa dels Supers (Lluís Companys Olympic Stadium) and at Naturlandia Adventure Park (Andorra).


ROLE: Dancer
VENUE: Lluís Companys Olympic Stadium (Barcelona, Spain), Cap Roig Festival (Spain) & Naturlandia (Andorra)
DIRECTOR: Àngels Gonyalons
MUSIC: Marc Parrot
PRODUCER: Televisió de Catalunya (TV3) & Escola Memory
YEAR: 2014-2018